
XARION Laser Acoustics GmbH was founded in 2012. The invention of the Membrane-free Optical Microphone dates back to 2006. Its technology was subsequently developed together with Philips, NXP Sound Solutions, and the Knowles Corporation, as well as the Vienna University of Technology and ultimately led to the founding of XARION.
Today, XARION offers a groundbreaking sensor technology that is entirely new to the market. Our mission is to continuously advance this technology for a wide range of applications, including non-destructive material testing, industrial process control, and acoustic measurement. In doing so, we contribute to improving the product and process quality of the global manufacturing industry.
XARION enjoys the dedicated support of a distinguished circle of stakeholders, including XARION’s largest shareholder Hans-Peter Porsche, Member of the Supervisory Board at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG and Porsche Holding Salzburg, and TRUMPF Venture.
Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch, Nobel laureate in laser physics, heads XARION's Scientific Advisory Board pro bono.