System Solutions for automated ultrasonic inspection

XARION's Optical Microphone technology offers groundbreaking solutions in the field of ultrasonic testing, acoustic process monitoring and soundfield characterization. For industrial production applications, XARION provides comprehensive system solutions for contact-free acoustic monitoring and ultrasonic testing.

Applied in process monitoring, the Optical Microphone enables real-time detection of anomalies in manufacturing processes, such as laser welding, structuring, cutting, or additive manufacturing (LPBF, WAAM, DED). Additionally, it is well-suited for detecting crack events.

XARION's unique ultrasonic testing technology ensures reliable quality control for production parts, regardless of size, material type, or surface condition. This makes it applicable to a wide range of applications in aerospace, automotive, electronics or semiconductor manufacturing. The contact-free testing approach sets the technology apart from traditional ultrasound techniques that require coupling gels or water. This also makes it suitable for applications where conventional ultrasonic testing might not be appropriate. The ability to test objects without physical contact allows for seamless implementation of fully automated NDT stations and systems for 100% inline inspection. XARION's NDT method enables unbeatable inspection throughput and maximum precision, while often significantly reducing inspection costs.

Non-Destructive Testing

  • Spot-weld inspection without coupling fluid
  • Quality control of carbon fiber composites (CFRP)
  • Non-contact end-of-line Tests

Real-time Process Monitoring

  • Acoustic quality monitoring for laser material processing
  • Real-time monitoring of additive manufacturing processes
  • Intelligent in-line monitoring of production lines and machines

Ultrasound Measurements

  • Soundfield characterization
  • Measurements in EM environments
  • Ultrasound emitter characterization